Transcordilleras es un evento de bikepacking que atraviesa las hermosas y desafiantes montañas de Colombia. Existen diferentes modalidades de participación a lo largo del año: eventos autoabastecidas NonStop o por etapas. Las rutas combinan tramos de asfalto y caminos destapados a través de una topografía exigente donde el desnivel positivo es significativo. Los paisajes y el clima cambian y sorprenden constantemente a lo largo del día. Pedalear en Colombia, el país del realismo mágico y la meca del ciclismo en América, es una aventura de otro nivel.
"This was one of the coolest bike-experiences of my life and I highly suggest it to anyone yearning for a cultural gravel-centric adventure. But be warned, the route is extreme and is more difficult than anything encountered in U.S. events"

"Con mi amiga Iris teníamos ganas de una aventura en gravel y Trancordilleras es la mejor forma de ver Colombia en bicicleta"

"Thank you @transcordilleras for this incredible opportunity. If you’ve ever thought about going to Colombia - GO! This is one of if not THE most incredible place I’ve ridden my bike. I don’t even speak Spanish and it was still amazing. The landscape, culture, people, food. So good 😍."
“I keep coming back because the country is beautiful, the people are nice, we have had such great views and gravel. It’s a really, really good atmosphere”

“Si no hubiera sido por Transcordilleras, nunca me hubiera enterado de esos pueblos, me lleno de energía de hacer lo que amo y tener estas vistas son la gasolina más grande, te motiva a seguir conociendo”.

"You may question why you are taking on such a tough event, but the laughs and connections soften the pain and make you feel a little less uncomfortable. The cycling passion is everywhere, and you really feel that love. It’s an amazing place to ride the bike"